About Me

Nice to Meet YoU!

Hello and welcome to my blog! 

My name is Megan and I am a 22-year-old new graduate from Philadelphia. 

Motivated by a quarter-life crisis and a thirst to travel, I decided that before I got a job, I wanted to pack a backpack and see the world. Since then, I have traveled to six countries!

So, I’ve decided to start Megan and the World to document my travels and experiences. I have learned so much in my few months of traveling and I wanted to share my successes and failures, so other travelers can know what to expect. 

Megan and the World isn’t just about traveling the world, it’s also about my world- my hometown, my life, and my thoughts. With that said, I am looking forward to (over)sharing with the Internet!

Welcome to my blog, Megan and the World.